A solar charge controller is an integral part of an off-grid solar system. It controls the electricity that flows through your battery.

What is a solar charge controller?

A solar charge controller prevents your battery from overcharging. It does so by regulating the voltage to prevent damage to the system.

Some situations, such as solar panels on boats or RV’s, require the use of charge controllers. These are usually necessary if you are planning on installing an off-grid system.

Types of solar charge controllers: PWM and MPPT

If you’re planning on using solar to completely off-grid, you should first consider the type of controllers that will work seamlessly with your system.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) solar charge controllers

PWM solar charge controllers are the most common type of charge controllers available. They are typically less expensive than MPPT controllers. When your battery is already full, PWM controllers provide a tiny amount of power to keep it powered up.

When connected to a PWM controller, your home battery and solar panel system need to have the same voltage. This is typically not the case with larger solar panels and batteries.

How much do PWM and MPPT solar charge controllers cost?

Solar charge controllers usually cost a few hundred dollars, with variation depending on features and type.

Generally, MPT charge controllers are more costly than PWM ones due to their higher efficiency. However, both types of controllers are more versatile and can be easily installed.

Is a solar charge controller right for you?

Most solar consumers don’t need to worry about plugging in their own charge controllers. Instead, their excess energy will automatically reroute to the electric grid once their battery runs low.

If you’re planning on installing a small solar energy system, or even if you already have one, then you might need to consider getting in touch with a charge controller. For most projects, a PWM charge controller is recommended.